Work Culture & Job Satisfaction

Survey Research with A/B Testing

Summary: This research project assesses whether work culture in terms of levels of employee engagement, influence anticipated job satisfaction. This is an interesting and important question in this day and age as work culture is shifting, with a lot of it moving to a hybrid or remote model. Our findings show that employees prefer higher frequency of engagement, independent of whether it is during paid-hours or after paid-hours.

Background & Role: I conducted this research part of my NYU Psychology course: Lab in Social and Organisational Psychology in October 2021 with two classmates. My role was to design the survey, conduct the statistical analysis on SPSS. My classmates conducted a literature review and synthesised the findings.

Demonstrated Skills

Survey Design

We used Qualtrics to create a survey.
We were able to obtain 72 participants using an opportunity sample and between-subject design.

Statistical Analysis

We used SPSS to analyse data collected with the Qualtrics Survey. We conducted an ANOVA calculation as well as testing for the effect size and Cronbach's alpha.
Our results were statistically significant for one independent variable of frequency of employee engagement.

A/B Testing

We conducted a multi-variant A/B test to compare the responses to 4 different scenarios of work culture to understand which version would be the most preferred.